
1lb bucatini or other strand pasta

Tracking the pasta

Cook the pasta al dente. Just before draining, reserve a cup of the starchy water. Toss the drained pasta in the pork fat and pieces.

Tracking the pork
6oz guanciale or other similar smoky fatty pork product rendered in fry pan large enough to hold the just drained pasta so you may toss it with the rendered pork and liquefaction. Catch every bit of the pork flavor.

Tracking the egg mixture
Break 2 whole eggs and 2 egg yolks into a bowl and whisk them together. Stir in the cup of reserved starchy water, the 1/2t freshly ground black pepper, and a cup of Parmigiano-Reggiano freshly grated.

Last Step
Pour the egg mixture over the pasta now coated with the pork fat and stir the pasta and sauce vigorously for 30 plus seconds or until the mixture has turned creamy. An effective stirrer is the handle end of a wooden spoon.


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